Ghenoa Gela, proud Torres Strait Islander woman belongs to the Aubaith Clan of the Wagadagam Tribe, Mualgal-Poid and Aragan peoples to the West and Erubian woman of Samsep Clan and Peidu Clan to the east – Ghenoa Gela, is a highly award-winning, Multidisciplinary, Multidimensional Storyteller.

With at least 35 years of experience under her belt, Ghenoa’s traditional Torres Strait Islander dancing is at the heart and foundation of her arts practice. As such, this grounding gives Ghenoa the strength to maneuver across a variety of disciplines both contemporary and commercial for over the past decade, ranging in Dance, Theatre, Television, Comedy, Hosting and Film.

Some companies Ghenoa has worked with include: Force Majeure Dance Theatre Company, Marrugeku Dance Theatre Company, My Darling Patricia, Polytoxic, Shaun Parker & Company, Bell Shakespeare and Circus Oz.

Some credits for TV and Film include: Move it Mob Style, Nothing to Lose Documentary, The Movement Series, Are you Tougher Than Your Ancestors? and Playschool Storytime.

Navigating across this artistic landscape can take on many forms, whether it be a workshop facilitator in remote communities, a choreographer and mentor in regional communities or a director, movement director, performer and writer in urban communities. What drives Ghenoa is her passion to share her families stories of culture, connection to country and identity – while also, sharing her experiences as a blakfullah who continues to shift and adapt through the ever challenging western landscape.

With fierce focus on visibility for Ilan presence, blak women and blak storytelling, Ghenoa continues to chisel against the very limiting western ideologie in hopes to create spaces that inspire the pursuit of bold and boundless ambition.